2 Art and Objects at Parliament

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{Parliament buildings, 1 Museum Street}
Parliament is fortunate to have a diverse and eclectic collection of over 4500 items. The Curatorial Team regularly rotate these items throughout the Parliament precinct to make the Collection, and the works of artists, more accessible to the public.

In addition to dedicated Art Tours that give a focused insight to the art and historical items around the precinct, Parliament has two dedicated exhibition spaces that feature a rotating showcase of work from New Zealand artists. There are also online exhibitions that highlight items from the Parliamentary Collection.

If you would like to visit the current exhibition, come to the Parliament precinct and head to the visitor centre in the Beehive foyer.

Tuesday to Saturday 10.00am - 4.30pm


Check out our Taonga of Parliament video series over in Parliament on Demand.


1 National Library of New Zealand


3 Steph Lusted Jewellery & Objets d' Art